Price of european call and put options is estimated as follows by using BS model:

S: Asset price
E:Strike price
D: Divident
r:Interest Rate
Sigma: Variance
t:Current time
T:Strike time
N(x): Normal Cumulative Density Function
Below sample C# and Matlab source code of Black-Scholes Model without any divident contribution is listed.
1: % Matlab Source Code
2: % Estimatation of European Call and Put Option by Black-Scholes Model
3: % denizstij (,
4: % Sep,2009
5: asset=230; %S
6: strike=210;%X
7: volatility=0.25; %sigma
8: r=0.04545;
9: time=0.5;
10: d1=(log(asset/strike)+(r+(volatility^2)/2)*time)/volatility/(sqrt(time));
11: %d2=(log(asset/strike)+(r-(volatility^2)/2)*time)/volatility/(sqrt(time));
12: d2=d1-volatility*(sqrt(time))
13: eu_call_option_price= asset*normcdf(d1,0,1)-strike*exp(-r*time)*normcdf(d2,0,1)
14: eu_put_option_price= -asset*normcdf(-d1,0,1)+strike*exp(-r*time)*normcdf(-d2,0,1)
1: using System;
2: using System.Collections.Generic;
3: using System.Linq;
4: using System.Text;
5: using CenterSpace.Free;
6: namespace Denizstij.Finance.Pricing.EuropeanOptionPricingByBlackScholes
7: {
8: /// <summary>
9: /// Estimates European Call and Put options by using Black-Scholes model
10: /// denizstij (
11: /// Sep-2009
12: /// </summary>
13: class EuropeanOptionPricingByBlackScholes
14: {
15: // CenterSpace.Free.NormalDist to estimate normal cumulative density function
16: // by CenterSpace Software (
17: private NormalDist normDist = new NormalDist(0, 1);
18: // Price estimator
19: public List<double> estimatePrice(double asset, double strike, double volatility, double intRate, double time)
20: {
21: double d1 = (Math.Log(asset / strike) + (intRate + Math.Pow(volatility, 2) / 2) * time) / volatility / (Math.Sqrt(time));
22: double d2 = d1 - volatility * (Math.Sqrt(time));
23: double eu_call_option_price = asset * normDist.CDF(d1) - strike * Math.Exp(-intRate * time) * normDist.CDF(d2);
24: double eu_put_option_price = -asset * normDist.CDF(-d1) + strike * Math.Exp(-intRate * time) * normDist.CDF(-d2);
25: List<double> prices = new List<double>();
26: prices.Add(eu_call_option_price);
27: prices.Add(eu_put_option_price);
28: return prices;
29: }
30: static void Main(string[] args)
31: {
32: EuropeanOptionPricingByBlackScholes pricing = new EuropeanOptionPricingByBlackScholes();
33: List<double> prices = pricing.estimatePrice(230,
34: 210,
35: 0.25,
36: 0.04545,
37: 0.5 // In terms of years
38: );
39: System.Console.WriteLine("Call Option Price:" + prices.ElementAt(0)); // £30.741
40: System.Console.WriteLine("Put Option Price:" + prices.ElementAt(1)); // £6.023
41: }
42: }
43: }
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