Implement the method nextNum() and a minimal but effective set of unit tests. As a quick check, given Random Numbers are [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3] and Probabilities are [0.01, 0.3, 0.58, 0.1, 0.01] if we call nextNum() 100 times we may get the following results. As the results are random, these particular results are unlikely.
-1: 1 times
0: 22 times
1: 57 times
2: 20 times
3: 0 times
public class RandomGen { // Values that may be returned by nextNum() private int[] randomNums; // Probability of the occurence of randomNums private float[] probabilities; /** Returns one of the randomNums. When this method is called multiple times over a long period, it should return the numbers roughly with the initialized probabilities. */ public int nextNum() { } }Solution:
package com.denizstij.rand; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Random; /** * @author Deniz Turan, denizstij AT */ public class RandomGen { // Values that may be returned by nextNum() private int[] randomNums; // Probability of the occurence of randomNums private float[] probabilities; private float[] cumProbabilities; private int[] validRandomNums; private int totalNonZeroProbElement=0; private Random random; public RandomGen(int[] randomNums,float[] probabilities){ validateProcessInputs(randomNums,probabilities); random= new Random(); } public RandomGen(int[] randomNums,float[] probabilities, long seed){ validateProcessInputs(randomNums,probabilities); random= new Random(seed); } private void validateProcessInputs(int[] randomNums,float[] probabilities){ if (randomNums==null || probabilities==null || randomNums.length!= probabilities.length || probabilities.length==0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("RandomNums and probabilities must be non empty and same size"); } int len=probabilities.length; cumProbabilities= new float[len]; validRandomNums= new int[len]; for (int i=0;i < len;i++) { float prob = probabilities[i]; int randomNum = randomNums[i]; if (MathUtil.isLess(prob,0.0f)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Probability can not be negative"); } if (MathUtil.isGreater(prob,1.0f)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Probability can not be greater than 1"); } if (MathUtil.checkAnyIsNanOrInfinite(prob)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nan or Infite prob is not accepted"); } // not processing elements with zero probabilities as they can not occur if (MathUtil.isEqual(prob, 0.0f)){ continue; } // store valid random number validRandomNums[totalNonZeroProbElement]=randomNum; if (totalNonZeroProbElement==0){ cumProbabilities[totalNonZeroProbElement]=prob; } else { cumProbabilities[totalNonZeroProbElement]=prob+cumProbabilities[totalNonZeroProbElement-1]; } if (MathUtil.isGreater(cumProbabilities[totalNonZeroProbElement],1.0f)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cumilative total probability can not be greater than 1"); } totalNonZeroProbElement++; } if (totalNonZeroProbElement==0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("All probabilities are zero :("); } if (!MathUtil.isEqual(cumProbabilities[totalNonZeroProbElement-1],1.0f)){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Total probability must be 1"); } // let's shrink arrays to save memory this.validRandomNums=Arrays.copyOf(validRandomNums, totalNonZeroProbElement); this.cumProbabilities=Arrays.copyOf(cumProbabilities, totalNonZeroProbElement); this.randomNums=randomNums; this.probabilities=probabilities; // some logging System.out.println("RandomNums :"+Arrays.toString(this.randomNums)); System.out.println("probabilities :"+Arrays.toString(this.probabilities)); System.out.println("totalNonZeroProbElement:"+totalNonZeroProbElement); System.out.println("validRandomNums :"+Arrays.toString(validRandomNums)); System.out.println("cumProbabilities :"+Arrays.toString(cumProbabilities)); } /** Returns one of the randomNums. When this method is called multiple times over a long period, it should return the numbers roughly with the initialized probabilities. */ public int nextNum() { float nextFloat = random.nextFloat(); return nextNum(nextFloat); } /** Returns one of the randomNums. When this method is called multiple times over a long period, it should return the numbers roughly with the initialized probabilities. */ // For testing purposes protected int nextNum(float nextFloat) { int index = Arrays.binarySearch(cumProbabilities,nextFloat); // if not found in the cum probability array, we need to infer index from insertation index if (index<0 code="" index="-1*index-1;" int="" nextrandomval="" return="">0>
package com.denizstij.rand; /** * @author Deniz Turan, */ public class MathUtil { public static final float FLOAT_COMPARE_RESOLUTION=0.00001f; public static boolean isEqual(float val1, float val2) { if (Math.abs(val1-val2)<FLOAT_COMPARE_RESOLUTION){ return true; } return false; } public static boolean isLess(float val1, float val2) { if (isEqual(val1,val2)){ return false; } return val1<val2; } public static boolean isLessEqual(float val1, float val2) { if (isEqual(val1,val2)){ return true; } return val1<val2; } public static boolean isGreater(float val1, float val2) { if (isEqual(val1,val2)){ return false; } return val1>val2; } public static boolean isGreaterEqual(float val1, float val2) { if (isEqual(val1,val2)){ return true; } return val1>val2; } public static boolean checkAnyIsNanOrInfinite(float ...values){ for (float val : values) { if (Float.isNaN(val) || Float.isInfinite(val)){ return true; } } return false; } }Junit Test:
package com.denizstij.rand.test; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import com.denizstij.rand.RandomGen; /** * @author Deniz Turan, */ public class RandomGenTest { private static final float SIM_PROB_THRESHOLD = 0.001f; @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testNullInputs() { int[] randomNums=null; float[] probabilities=null; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testEmptyArray() { int[] randomNums= new int[0]; float[] probabilities=new float[0]; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testDifferentSizeNumsAndProbs() { int[] randomNums= {1}; float[] probabilities={0.3f,0.4f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testProbsAndNumberArrayDifferentSize() { int[] randomNums= {1}; float[] probabilities={0.3f,0.4f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testProbsIsNotNegative() { int[] randomNums= {1,2}; float[] probabilities={0.3f,-0.4f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testProbsAllZero() { int[] randomNums= {1,2}; float[] probabilities={0.0f,0.0f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testProbArrayHasNaN() { int[] randomNums= {1,2}; float[] probabilities={Float.NaN,0.4f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testProbsIsNotGreaterThanOne() { int[] randomNums= {1,2}; float[] probabilities={0.3f,1.4f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testProbsTotalIsNotOne() { int[] randomNums= {1,2}; float[] probabilities={0.3f,0.4f}; new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); } @Test public void testCumulativeProbLogic() { int[] randomNums= {-1,-2,-4,3410,893,9,343,10}; float[] probabilities={0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.3f,0.5f,0.0f,0.2f,0.0f}; //validRandomNums :[3410, 893, 343] //cumProbabilities :[0.3, 0.8, 1.0] RandomGenWrapper randomGen = new RandomGenWrapper(randomNums, probabilities); // checking random number:3410 which has cum prob of 0<= and <=0.3 int nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.2f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==3410); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.299f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==3410); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.3f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==3410); // checking random number:893 which has cum prob of 0.3< and <=0.8 nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.30001f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==893); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.51f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==893); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.799999f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==893); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.8f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==893); // checking random number:343 which has cum prob of 0.8< and <=1 nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.800001f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==343); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.9f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==343); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(0.9999999f); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==343); nextRandomNum = randomGen.nextNum(1); Assert.assertTrue(nextRandomNum==343); } @Test public void testNonOccuringEventsWithProbZero() { // -1 event should never happen here int[] randomNums= {5,-1,2,4}; float[] probabilities={0.1f,0.0f,0.6f,0.3f}; RandomGen randomGen = new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); //lets try several times if this true int maxTry=100000; for (int i=0;i<maxTry;i++){ int nextNum = randomGen.nextNum(); // make sure we never get -1 which has prob 0 Assert.assertNotEquals(nextNum, -1); } } @Test public void testAlwaysOccuringEventsWithProbOne() { // -1 event should always happen here int[] randomNums= {5,-1,2,4}; float[] probabilities={0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f}; RandomGen randomGen = new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities); //lets try several times if this true int maxTry=100000; for (int i=0;i<maxTry;i++){ int nextNum = randomGen.nextNum(); // make sure we always get -1 which has prob 1 Assert.assertEquals(nextNum, -1); } } /* * Generate huge amount of random next number, given probability and random number arrays. * Then, frequency of each random number is estimated. * Finally it is asserted that frequency is close to the input probability within a threshold (0.001) */ @Test public void testProvidedQuickCheck() { int[] randomNums= {-1,0,1,2,3}; float[] probabilities={0.01f, 0.3f, 0.58f, 0.1f, 0.01f}; float[] simFrequency= new float[probabilities.length]; Map <Integer,Long> counterMap= new LinkedHashMap<Integer,Long>(); // reset counter map for (int randomNum : randomNums) { counterMap.put(randomNum, 0L); } RandomGen randomGen = new RandomGen(randomNums, probabilities,1234L); //lets generate many times random numbers int maxTry=10000000; for (int i=0;i<maxTry;i++){ int nextNum = randomGen.nextNum(); Long counter = counterMap.get(nextNum); counter++; counterMap.put(nextNum, counter); } // estimate frequency int index=0; for (Entry<Integer, Long> entry : counterMap.entrySet()) { Long counter = entry.getValue(); // simulation frequencies simFrequency[index]=counter/(float)maxTry; float simProbDifference = Math.abs(simFrequency[index]-probabilities[index]); // Assert.assertTrue(simProbDifference<SIM_PROB_THRESHOLD); index++; } System.out.println("Counter Map "+counterMap); System.out.println("Freq map:"+Arrays.toString(simFrequency)); } private class RandomGenWrapper extends RandomGen{ public RandomGenWrapper(int[] randomNums, float[] probabilities) { super(randomNums, probabilities); } public int nextNum(float nextFloat){ return super.nextNum(nextFloat); } } }
1 comment:
nextNum(float nextFloat) {} doesn't finish
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